Friday, December 24, 2010

Come, thou long expected Jesus...

Never have I felt such expectation for Christmas.   
Sitting here in the glow of our tree with my little girl sound asleep in her bed, I remember what it was 
like to yearn for her, to long for her, to expect her. How I pray that I can begin to desire my Savior in the 
same way. 
He came to earth as a baby as small as my Beatrice; as helpless and as fragile. As utterly dependent upon 
Mary as Beatrice is upon me. What great condensation. What a miracle. To be so utterly human when 
he was so fully God. 
I am amazed at the joy my tiny daughter has brought to my soul; shouldn't the Savior of the World 
bring me more...
Oh Father, I rejoice on this Christmas Eve that you did indeed come to set your people free.
Come, thou long expected Jesus, 
 born to set thy people free; 
 from our fears and sins release us, 
 let us find our rest in thee.  
 Israel's strength and consolation, 
 hope of all the earth thou art; 
 dear desire of every nation, 
 joy of every longing heart.


1 comment:

  1. It looks like Miss Beatrice is already experiencing the joy that Jesus offers! Merry Christmas to your sweet family!

