Tuesday, June 8, 2010

One Last Trip...

I have been blessed beyond belief to be married to a man who adores travel as much as I do. In our few years of marriage we have seen some incredible sights and tasted spectacular food.

We have been advised by many a dear friend to embark on one last adventure before the arrival of our "bringer of joy". This is proving to be quite the challenge since we are in the thick of wedding season and we only have 16 more weeks till her due date!

I have found four locations, and I would love your thoughts. It might be the pregnancy, but my decisiveness has disappeared. I will place a poll on the side, but if you have any helpful thoughts please share.

Inn on the Square (Cape Cod)

Portland Regency Hotel (Portland, Maine)

Le Saint Sulpice (Montreal, Canada)

Hotel Place d'Armes (Montreal, Canada)


  1. definitely Montreal :) Either sounds lovely! The Ankeney's are going in July, You should ask them where :)

  2. From the hotel alone, loving by far Le Saint Sulpice in Montreal - looks and sounds lovely, charming and relaxing! The restaurant looks fab too.

  3. After clicking on the links, Hotel Place d'Armes is my choice. It seems exciting, yet elegant....sounds like you.

  4. You will enjoy yourself no matter where you are as long as you two are together! I think we're doing a babymoon in August. I think they're wonderful ideas!

  5. Montreal has always been one of my desired destinations--just seems so romantic:) But the Cape is one of Shaun and my favorite places--that's where we honeymoon'd!

