Monday, June 28, 2010

Painting and Patience...

Remember the swatches from a few weeks ago? Well, they have turned into a learning experience.

Since so many of you voted for April Mist, Custard and Ballet Slipper Pink we got samples of all three. These were quite simply... a comical disaster. We decided that April Mist looked like Turquoise, Custard like Lemon Meringue, and Ballet Slipper Pink like Calamine Lotion... We laughed it off; thinking that the next day we would find samples of milder versions of the pink and blue. 

Well... to make a long story short we now have 12 different colors on the wall; and while we are no further along in the decision process, I have learned a serious lesson in patience. 

I've found in this season of expectation that it is quite tempting to be full of silly "expectations". Our culture would like me to believe that I "need" this and must accomplish A, B & C by the baby's arrival. But truly, does Beatrice "need" a nursery dressed to the nines? Do I "need" a boppy, a bumbo, a bouncer, and a bottle cleaner? 

In these past weeks I found myself drifting away from the Spirit given joy that Beatrice has brought to our lives and wandering into a world full of anxiety and fear over that which "must" be done. Which is most likely the reason I haven't felt the motivation to write. The condition of my heart has been simply, yucky. 

I so desire to return to a place where I am thoughtfully preparing for the arrival of my precious little one. Not only in the accumulation of things, but in the careful preparation of my heart. Where each addition to her nursery discovered at a yard sale is a cause for rejoicing, not a check mark on a to-do list. Where each day is savored for all that it is. 

So dear friends, Bea may have a kaleidoscope of a nursery and the Barnes household may not have every "needed" baby item, but there WILL be joy, and joy abundantly! 

I have been singing this song to my sweet girl recently, yet it has been more of a reminder to me, her mommy, of the infinite love my Savior holds for me. May it encourage your heart today.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Montreal City Guide... Could this be a Sign?

I subscribe to the ever amazing Design Sponge, and recently I discovered their detailed "City Guides".

Until today, however, I hadn't realized they also had a guide for Montreal... could this be confirmation of our destination?

I think I'm falling in love.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

One Last Trip...

I have been blessed beyond belief to be married to a man who adores travel as much as I do. In our few years of marriage we have seen some incredible sights and tasted spectacular food.

We have been advised by many a dear friend to embark on one last adventure before the arrival of our "bringer of joy". This is proving to be quite the challenge since we are in the thick of wedding season and we only have 16 more weeks till her due date!

I have found four locations, and I would love your thoughts. It might be the pregnancy, but my decisiveness has disappeared. I will place a poll on the side, but if you have any helpful thoughts please share.

Inn on the Square (Cape Cod)

Portland Regency Hotel (Portland, Maine)

Le Saint Sulpice (Montreal, Canada)

Hotel Place d'Armes (Montreal, Canada)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Her love of music...

It shouldn't come as a surprise, but my precious little daughter adores music.

Yesterday evening we traveled to beautiful Staunton, Virginia with dear friends to see 
Babies, The Documentary. (I highly recommend it.) The majority of the film is absent of anything but the sound of the infants. Occasionally though, a well placed song caries you through a scene. My little Bea would come to life in these moments; dancing, rolling and kicking... it blessed my heart. Here is the trailer...

Another dear friend has recently introduced me to the music of 
JJ Heller. Many of you know by now that I hold a deep appreciation for lullabies, and JJ just happens to have written a beautifully scripted song that my sweet girl loves.

Beatrice, "may you dream of lovely things... and wake to find them real. The love of God is evident in the miracle of you."

Happy 23 Week Birthday, Little One. I love you.
