Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Glimpse of Her Birth...

These photos are like precious gems to me. They are all we have and I am glad. This birth was sacred to me and I couldn't be more thankful that my husband was by my side, and not behind the camera. 

I vaguely remember him capturing these first three photos as I neared the end of a contraction.

My dear Mauresa photographed these next two images. I love their dream-like quality. That's precious Barbie there in the first image, taking such beautiful care of me and Adam. In the second photo you'll see our silhouettes as I lean on my loving husband.

 Adam took these last photos are of our first latch. I love my little curly head girl, and the way my wedding band is slightly in focus. I cannot thank Laurie enough for her excellent coaching at this crucial point. This moment will be with me for ever and ever.

1 comment:

  1. You love the dreamy like're TOO sweet! The real story was that it was so dim in there that I couldn't get the camera to focus! So happy to be a part of that experience, but the way. Thank you so much for letting me! Love you. :)

